Subscription Management
Manage your Easy Directory Subscriptions
If you access the dashboard for the first time, you are prompted to give consent to the Easy Directory dashboard app. The required permissions are the same as the Easy Directory Teams app asked for.
Sign you in and read your profile
Maintain access to data you have given it access to
Finalize Subscription Setup
After you clicked on Set it up in the purchasing process, you will be redirected to the subscription in the Easy Directory subscription management dashboard.
Click on Setup subscription.
Enter all required specifications and click on Complete setup.
You have successfully set up a new subscription for your tenant.
Increase/Decrease seats on a subscription
To add additional seats to one of your current subscriptions, please follow the described procedure.
Open the Easy Directory subscription management page and select the subscription, where you wish to change the seat amount and click on Manage subscriptions.
You will be redirected to the products page in the Microsoft Admin Center where you can manage the subscription according to Microsoft's standard processes.
Cancel Subscription
The procedure is the same as in Increase/Decrease seats on a subscription. On the products page, select the license that you want to cancel and click on the corresponding action.
Reserve a seat
When purchasing a license, you define the number of seats purchased.
Depending on your seating strategy, any new user that uses the Easy Directory app will get one seat assigned automatically. You can reserve a seat for any specific user to ensure that this user can use the Easy Directory app.
Last updated