
Use the flexibility to tailor Easy Directory to your requirements

In addition to the standard views, Easy Directory now also offers the possibility to configure and create your own views to save your preferences.

View options

Select views and mark as default view

Views can be selected in the view-dropdown on the lefthand side. Mark a view as default-view by selecting the corresponding star-icon. From now on, this will be the default-view once you open the Easy Directory app.

Select contacts sources

You can specify the sources to limit where you want to search and which contacts to display. For each source, contacts are automatically given a color so that you can visually distinguish which source a contact came from.

Group by tag(s)

Contacts can be displayed grouped by tags. Simply activate the option and select the tags for which you want to create groups.

As with each custom configuration, you can save it as a new custom view.

Show presence cards

The Presence Status is a game-changer for staying connected and informed about your team's availability in real-time.

Find all information in the separate page Presence View

Create custom views

When Easy Directory detects a change in your current view configuration, it offers you the possibility to save your configuration as a custom view. Thereby, you can select whether to overwrite the current view (if you are already in a custom view) or save it as new one.

Custom views are shown in the views-dropdown and can be marked as default-view, renamed or deleted. Additionally, changes to the configuration can be saved to overwrite the current configuration or even created as new view.

System views

Easy Directory comes with the following system views:

  • New search (Initiates a new search for contacts or filter contacts by tags)

  • Favorites (Shows your favorite contacts)

  • Synched contacts (Shows your synched contacts)

Just start a new search.


Quick access to all your favorite contacts.

Synched contacts

Easy Directory offers each user the possibility to synchronize up to 500 contacts. Therefore, a user can benefit from caller recognition and has access to the contacts on their mobile phones. (contact synchronisation must be enabled in Outlook mobile).

Your organisation's data protection policies apply to control whether you allow users to sync contacts from their Outlook mobile application to the native contacts.

How to synch a contact

Custom Views

Create custom views according to your requirements. Follow the instructions in Create custom views to create a new custom view.

Custom views are shown in the views-dropdown and can be marked as default-view, renamed or deleted. Additionally, changes to the configuration can be saved to overwrite the current configuration or even created as new view.

Examples for custom views are:

  • Presence views

  • Filter contacts by a company, role, region, size, etc.

  • Display contacts grouped by tags

  • Display contacts based a search query

  • ...and many more!

Drag & Drop sorting

On all custom views, contacts can be sorted by drag & drop. Even better, the positioning is directly saved to the current view for persistence. Just drag the contact and drop it on the desired location.

Last updated